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Salt thinking

Home to our blogs, news, videos, initiatives and other bits and bobs.

Salt // one

October 9, 2018

Last summer, over beer, wine and chips, we discussed our passion and drive for change and to do things differently. A few months later Salt was born, and now we are turning one. Why did we do it? We wanted to feel free to enjoy what we do, put our experience to good use, make …

I love it, but can you make it blue?

September 18, 2018

Where do ideas come from? Truly come from? The great ones, and even more so, the exceptional ones, are brought about through a need. A need to fill a gap, a frustration of something not working properly and wanting to make it better, to express something in a new and interesting way, or to overcome …

Bad behaviour

September 4, 2018

Behaviour, ‘The way in which one acts or conducts oneself, especially towards others’ In other words, everything we do. The decisions we make, the way we act, the things that show people who we are. There is so much talk about behaviour change, it’s become a buzz word. But how often do we really aim …

The illusion of balance

June 18, 2018

I doubt that anyone would disagree that a good work/life balance is a good thing, but seemingly this, for many, is only a theoretical aspiration. Why does this possibility go out the window when it comes to practice? Why do so many people find themselves working crazy hours week in, week out, with no light …

Why is pharma so antisocial?

June 10, 2018

My GP has a mug on his desk that says ‘please don’t confuse your Google search with my medical degree’. People are more information hungry than ever, and when faced with a health problem the first instinct is to google it, just like everything else. We are used to finding everything at our fingertips, and …

The Future of people powered health

May 10, 2018

Nesta’s six months of planning and development culminated last week into their slick ‘The Future of people powered health’ event, which didn’t disappoint. And it wasn’t just down to the inspirational and thought-provoking speakers, although they left the audience with a lot to think about. The day was enriched by multi-sensory feasts provided by innovators …

Being social

May 9, 2018

Being social used to mean being just that. Now it means almost the opposite – being glued to a device and barely making meaningful contact with other human beings in the real world. Now, I’m not in any way against social media (that would be ironic for a post shared through social channels), but has …

Creativity shouldn’t be an afterthought

April 20, 2018

I had a really interesting conversation last week where I was pretty much told that what I am passionate about and do for a living is meaningless and doesn’t make a difference. On the surface I was, I’ll admit, rather taken aback. I needed to take a few moments to compose myself and construct a …

Whose strategy is it anyway?

March 27, 2018

In this third episode our three contributors Kath, Richard and Haifa grapple with a question that repeats more frequently than a garlic vol-au-vent: Whose strategy is it? (strategy that is).

Let’s build a strategy!

March 14, 2018

All too often it feels like the strategy for any brand is recreated a million times over, because everyone who comes into contact with it wants to add their two pence, and show they understand the problem better ...

Respecting the sum and its parts

March 8, 2018

You wouldn’t walk into an operating theatre, suggest to the surgeon that they might want to think about making that cut 4mm to the right, and offer to close the patient. Equally you wouldn’t bowl onto a building site laying bricks, ‘just because they look good there’ and all because you’ve seen and been in …

What’s wrong with progress?

January 23, 2018

We all know that clients increasingly need to do more with less. Marketing budgets are being cut continually, and expectations of ROI and proof of impact are higher than ever. In parallel, communications agencies are looking for ways to do more; with more focused, intelligent thinking and stronger creative. But this expertise comes at a …

You delivered a special piece of work: high quality, tthought-provoking… it will ultimately stand the test of time.

Marketing Director, Jazz Pharmaceuticals