/ Purpose

A business with purpose

We want to make sure we don’t just talk about our values, we live by them too. Otherwise they mean nothing.

Positive change

We want our work to create positive change, and we want our impact on the world to do the same. We’re passionate about supporting people and our planet, and put these values right at the heart of how we operate.

Proud to be a Certified B Corporation®

It’s always been important to us to do the right thing, and B Corp gives us a framework to do just that.

B Corp companies are legally committed to doing good for people and our planet. They meet the highest possible standards for their staff, customers, local community and the environment. In B Corp, we join a global community of businesses dedicated to balancing purpose and profit. And it feels great to be a part of it.

B Corp logo on Salt Thinking background in blue
Lady wearing a headscarf, sitting laughing alongside her colleagues

Running our own charity

We’ve always wanted Salt to do more, and to help more. So we started our own charity: Salt of the Earth Community Foundation.

Salt of the Earth supports projects where health and environment combine to benefit local communities. We offer funding, strategic guidance and implementation support to causes that align with our values.

Website coming soon.

Pro bono & charity work

We like to do what we can for good causes. We've supported new charities and community start-ups with strategy, branding and identity, driven international campaigns to change perception, and raised funds through our own social channels and activities.

It always gives us a buzz to use our skills for good, and to give amazing people a helping hand.

Picture of two paramedics inside their ambulance with the Here For Life logo overlaying

A high-profile campaign that truly drives change.

BU Head, Jazz Pharmaceuticals

Minimising our carbon impact

We’ve offset our carbon footprint since day one. (In fact, we can probably claim to be carbon negative as we always double our offsets, just to be sure.)

Offsetting is great, but we want to go further.

Since 2020, we have reduced our carbon consumption by 26% year on year, and we’re committed to continuing that trend.

We are working with Carbon Department to better track, measure, and report our environmental impact, so we can make more informed decisions about our goals and targets for continual improvement.

We hope we can also drive curiosity and change beyond our little corner of the world. If we can inspire others to begin their own carbon journey, then all the better.

1% for the Planet

We are members of 1% for the Planet, a global movement of businesses taking responsibility for their impact.

Members pledge to donate 1% of their annual sales, not profits, to environmental organisations. So far, we've given over £43k to 1% for the Planet's certified environmental partners.